
Hope of Summer

The month of May is when we see the flowers and blossoms coming to abundance around us. The apparent deadness of winter, the cold and grey skies, the short days and long dark nights all are behind us and we look forward to the long warm days of summer to come, the sunshine and the blue skies.

Jesus spoke of the Springtime. He was telling his disciples about the future time when he would come back to set up God’s Kingdom here on earth. He gave a number of signs to look forward to so that we could recognise when the time of his return was near. Then he said:

“Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. As soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:29-31 ESV)

Just as we can look at the flowers and blossoms blooming around us and understand that summer will soon be here, so we can look at the signs in the world that the Bible talks about and understand that the Kingdom of God is near.

There are signs all around us in today’s world so we can be certain that Christ’s return and the establishment of God’s Kingdom on the earth is very close.

For more information about this, contact us by clicking the link below.

There are also some links to videos and web pages giving more information.

Video talk – Ezekial 38 and signs of Christ’s return:

Video talk –

Signs from the Bible –

Olivet prophecy signs –

Luke 21 online lesson –

‘Christ is coming!’ book –