Bible Hours


A Bible Hour is held regularly at Doncaster where we explore the Bible and look at various aspects of its teaching. Some of these Bible Hours are recorded and you can click the links below to see videos of some recent ones.

All of our speakers are lay preachers, and give up their own time to prepare and present these talks. This means you will hear from a variety of people and voices, coming from a number of different places. All our speakers are, however, bound together by a common belief in the Bible message and the Gospel preached by Jesus and the Apostles in the first century.

Gifts and giving

Why we believe in the hope of Israel

What the Bible says about the Kingdom of God

The pursuit of happiness

What’s so special about Israel?

New beginnings


What does it mean to follow Jesus?

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

Is there life on other planets?

Are the gospel records credible?

The Bible — myth or masterpiece?

The birth of Jesus Christ

Be followers of me

What does God want?

Reasons why I believe in the God of the Bible

Why is there so much suffering?

Jesus will return to the earth – Why?

Prophecies prove the Bible true

What it means to be a Christian

The significance of resurrection

The Bible that changed the world

Jesus the man

What is the Gospel?

Religion — dangerous or healthy?

The Bible – God’s inspired Word

Why is there so much bad news?

Evidence for design in the natural world

The Fingerprint of God

Does it matter what we believe?

What does the Bible really teach?

Do miracles happen?

Reasons why I believe God exists

Reading the Bible —
Why should I read the New Testament?

Reading the Bible —
Why should I read the Old Testament?

Reading the Bible —
How to read the Bible

Reading the Bible —
Why should I read the Bible?

Why archaeologists trust the Bible

Why historians take the Bible seriously

Jerusalem —
City of Trouble or City of Peace?

Who’s who in the Bible – the apostle Paul

Who’s who in the Bible – Noah

Who’s who in the Bible – Adam and Eve

Does it matter what we believe?

Introducing the Christadelphians

The Jews in the purpose of God

What the Bible teaches about —
Medical Ethics

What the Bible teaches about —

What the Bible teaches about —

What the Bible teaches about —
Sin and Forgiveness

Life’s Big Questions —
Why does God allow suffering?

Life’s Big Questions —
What is the world coming to?

Life’s Big Questions —
Why should I believe in a God I cannot see?

Life’s Big Questions —
The Meaning of Life

I believe God cares for me

I believe in God

Who does God call?

The resurrection of Jesus – fact or fiction?

Resurrection from the dead – a Bible truth

What the Bible says about coping with stress

Jesus Christ, the man who made a difference

The meaning of life

The faith of Abraham

A Healthy Diet

The Christian and politics

What is Truth and who’s truth is it?

Awesome facts about the Jews

The power of God’s Word

Do we need God in the 21st Century?

The Bible and Human Rights

Music and song in Scripture

The Christian Life

Discovering the ancient city of Sodom

John’s Gospel – a message for you

You need to know there is a God who cares

Israel – a modern day miracle

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

The amazing wonder of our Universe

Why Read the Bible?

Bible prophecy proved accurate

Are Holy Spirit gifts available today?